Bootstrap pagedown

Bootstrap Pagedown for rails

View the Project on GitHub cloverinteractive/bootstrap_pagedown

Bootstrap Pagedown

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It's a rails version of Bootstrap Pagedown with it's own form builder.


Add it to your Gemfile then run bundle to install it.

gem "bootstrap_pagedown"

Then add it to your Asset Pipeline manifest files:

// application.js
//= require bootstrap_pagedown
* application.css
*= require bootstrap_pagedown

Creating the editor

Simply add this to the javascript file where you wish to create the editor:

var converter = Markdown.getSanitizingConverter();
var editor    = new Markdown.Editor( converter );;

Or in coffeescript:

converter = Markdown.getSanitizingConverter()
editor    = new Markdown.Editor converter;

Pagedown extras

If you wish to use pagedown-extra simply add this line before

Markdown.Extra.init( converter );

Or in coffeescript:

Markdown.Extra.init converter

Keep in mind that converter should be replaced by whatever you named your converter variable to.


This plugin requires bootstrap to work as intended.

Form builder

To use with rails form simply do the following:

<%= form_for @page do |f| %>
  <%= f.pagedown_editor :body
<% end %>

This will generate the necessary HTML to render the Markdown editor for the body property of our Page model.

You may also add attributes to the generated text area as needed by simply adding them after the method name:

<%= f.pagedown_editor :body, 'data-name' => 'editor'

The previous example would add data-name="editor" to the editor textarea element.

Custom options supported:

By default bootstrap_pagedown will create the needed HTML elements to render a functional editor with a button bar and a preview div. However you can change the different element classes, ids and even skip the preview div by passing different options to the pagedown_editor method, here's the hash with different options and it's default values:

  skip_preview:     false,             # Whether or not we should skip the preview div, skipping this will render an editor without HTML preview
  panel_id:         '',                # HTML id of the editor panel div
  panel_class:      'wmd-panel',       # HTML class of the editor panel div
  button_bar_id:    'wmd-button-bar',  # HTML id of the editor's button bar div
  button_bar_class: '',                # HTML class of the editor's button bar div
  editor_id:        'wmd-input',       # HTML if of the editor textarea
  editor_class:     'wmd-input',       # HTML class of the editor textarea
  preview_id:       'wmd-preview',     # HTML id of the preview div
  preview_class:    '',                # HTML class of the preview div

This is a the default generated HTML, note that name will change depending on your form builder and method name.

<div class="wmd-panel">
  <div id="wmd-button-bar"></div>
  <textarea class="wmd-input" id="wmd-input" name="test[test]"></textarea>
  <div id="wmd-preview"></div>

If you change the any of the default ids or classes on the HTML elements the pagedown_editor will render the correct HTML, but the editor won't render that is because by default Pagedown looks for those element attribute values, however you can still get the editor to render and behave correctly through the Pagedown API. I other words in order to have more than one editor in the same page you'll obviously have to change the element attributes and the use the Pagedown API to create every aditional editor.


If you need to change something on the stylesheets you don't need to start from scratch, you can simply generate the sass file with the sass generator as follows:

rails g bootstrap_pagedown:sass

This will generate a copy of bootstrap_pagedown styles into app/assets/stylesheets.

Running the test suite

Simply clone this project (or pull) and then run rake

Running the dummy app

Go into the spec/dummy directory and run rails s then in your web browser visit http://localhost:3000, you should see a blank page with the editor.


This project uses the MIT license, please read the MIT-LICENSE file included with this project